A Basic Custom esbuild Copy Plugin

Recently, in a project using esbuild, I found myself wanting to copy a single static file from my working folder into my dist folder with each build.

In searching online, I found a few plugins that supported copying files (namely esbuild-plugin-copy and esbuild-copy-static-files), but the problem I ran into was making them work with only one file in a directory of multiple files. Perhaps it was a lack of knowledge on my part, but I could only figure out how to tell it to copy all files in a folder, not just one single file.

So, I wrote a plugin myself. It’s super basic and specific to my needs, but it should be easily adaptable if you have a similar requirement.

The plugin code

Below is all of the plugin’s code, which is hardcoded to simply copy the file manifest.json from my projects root directory.

This was a requirement for me because the project is a plugin for Obsidian, and in that ecosystem, plugins require a manifest file in the final output. However, as part of the plugin submission process, the manifest file also needs to be in the root of your project directory, which means I couldn’t just put it into another folder and copy it from there.

import fs from 'fs';

const copyManifestPlugin = () => ({
    name: 'copy-manifest-plugin',
    setup(build) {
        build.onEnd(async () => {
            try {
                fs.copyFileSync('./manifest.json', './dist/manifest.json');
            } catch (e) {
                console.error('Failed to copy file:', e);

Using the plugin

To use the above code, I wrote it directly in my esbuild.config.mjs like in the screenshot below, however, you could also put it in a separate file and import it in.

Where the plugin code lives in the esbuild.config.mjs file

To call the plugin on build, it’s just like calling any other plugin – but since it’s functionality is hard coded, it has no settings.

	plugins: [

That’s it!

In many instances the existing copy plugins that are out there will do just fine, however, if you find yourself with a specific use case that doesn’t quite fit, hopefully this article showed you that esbuild plugins can be pretty easy.

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