Thought Pieces

Storyboarding Immersive Experiences

Storyboarding 360 degree immersive experiences requires a different approach to traditional media…

Staging XR scenes (Keep doing your crappy little drawings)

Some people create beautiful perspective illustrations to visualise and storyboard their virtual reality designs And it’s tempting to think you’re not a strong designer if you’re not doing that too…

Focal point blocking for XR media

Planning out a linear VR experience requires thinking about where the viewers attention might be. Thinking about the focal points…

Designing immersive experiences

In traditional cinema, TV, or even the more modern phone screen, there’s limited screen real-estate. But removing that limitation creates a design problem…

The future is not prompt engineered

Let’s not pretend the importance of prompt engineering is ubiquitous. The most prevalent power of generative AI is in the way it adapts to us, not the other way around…

The typography of dates, times, & filenames

A deep dive into carefully considered date formatting, line length and general typography attributes of filenames…

Loosening the Shackles of Rapid Authoring Tools

Rapid authoring tools like Articulate Storyline and Evolve Authoring make sharing projects possible across a team of non-programmers, but your design must often adapted to the limited range of possibilities the tool allows…
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  • Ink

    An Obsidian plugin that adds hand writing and drawing as embeds directly within each note.


  • Project Browser

    An Obsidian plugin that provides a card layout of your files in each folder organised by state.


  • Interaction Stripper

    A Penpot plugin that enables bulk removal of interactions across selected boards.


  • Focus for Trello

    A browser plugin that restyles Trello boards for better focus.


  • Google Keep Import

    An Obsidian plugin that enables easy import of Google Keep notes.


Technical Articles

Can’t access my WebXR from Meta Quest

Learn how to access your webXR page over the network while developing, and ensure you can enter immersive mode…

Static assets in Expo for React Native

I was initially confused about paths, loading, and bundling when using exp-assets for static assets…

Refreshing your modal or settings tab in Obsidian

Here’s a quick hack you can use while initially developing and Obsidian plugin…

ReactJS: Refers to a value, but is being used as a type here

“Refers to a value, but is being used as a type here” Can sometimes be cryptic when related to mounting your initial React component…

OpenAI audio transcription and synthesis in React Native

Dealing with audio files in react native can require a different approach for web compared to mobile. Especially when interfacing with Open AI…

useState values not updating in React

Certain closure combinations and asynchronous code can result in stale closures – where react state variables seem to not update in specific places…

View existing local storage

View existing local storage If you want to check all localStorage values for the current web page, there are a couple of ways. One way that I often find myself doing is running this little snippet of code. But it’s not the most accessible way. The reason I like the above bit of code is…

Make SVG shapes transform like Dom elements

Make SVG shapes transform like Dom elements For a previous article on this blog I found myself rotating an SVG shape using CSS. At which point I immediately realised that the usual way of shifting the origin of rotation to the centre worked differently for SVG shapes than it did for standard dom elements. For…

Styling SVGs with CSS

Styling SVGs with CSS When utilising SVGs in your HTML, you may find yourself inserting them using the img tag. This is nice and clean and keeps them formatted and styled in the same way as your other images However, this adds a limitation to your ability to dynamically style them. Html: If you’re working…